DXF to Illustrator is a program to convert DXF files to Illustrator format (also useable by Freehand, Canvas and others). It gives you control over many things other conversion methods don't (sorry for sounding like a washing powder add): Font substitution; Colour substitution; Lineweights; Scaling to paper sizes or to a custom scale; Grouping of elements according to layers, colours, linestyles or on Illustrator 5.0 layers; Fill of SOLIDs, CIRCLEs and closed POLYLINEs and ARCs; Logs all actions; On-line help;
We needed these things at the Cartography departments at Utrecht University and ITC and could not find them in any other conversion method, therefore decided to make them ourselves.
Legal stuff:
This is a demo-version of DXF to Illustrator 2.1ß. Use this demo version for evaluation purposes only. You can re-distribute this demo freely, provided you include all the files on this floppy-disk (or archive). Commercial distribution of these files is strictly forbidden.
This demo-version has the following restrictions: A maximum size for DXF files (approx. 150 Kb); Only one conversion at a time; Log-menu dimmed; Annoying messages and sounds.
Purchase the full version to get a license number to personalize your copy.
System demands:
For using DXF to Illustrator (and its demo-version) you need:
- An Apple Macintosh computer. It runs on any Mac running system 6.0.5 or higher, but a minimal configuartion of a 68030-based machine with system 7 is recommended. It has been tested on SE/30, IIx, IIcx, IIci, IIsi, Quadra 650, Centris 650 and PowerMac 6100/60, running system 7.0, 7.1 and 7.5.
- 300 Kb free on disk (hard disk recommended).
- At least a 1 Mb memory partition (more if your DXF files are complex). In order to get a decent speed of conversion, DXF to Illustrator runs its conversion in memory, not on disk.
The full version:
At present there's a fully functional 2.1ß version available for Dfl.1400 (about $850) from:
ITC, Consulting and Research projects bureau
PO Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands
tel: +31-(0)53-874444; fax: +31-(0)53-874400
Users of the 2.1ß version will get a free update to the final 2.1 version, expected fall 1995.